Archana, a middle schooler and young poet, writes a pleasant poem about Mother Nature's four seasons.

Snowflakes falling from the sky
Children making snowmen
People making snow angels
The cold zephyr filling the air
Snowball forts with children full of excitement.
Cozy hot cocoa with gooey marshmallows
Christmas tree lights shining and showing the holiday cheer
It’s a beautiful winter morning.
Goodbye frigid winter, and hello warm spring
Flowers start opening their gorgeous petals
Trees beginning to grow their green leaves
Young animals entering the world as petite babies
Farmers planting seeds to thrive their agriculture
Children waiting for the Easter Bunny to give them delectable treats
Rain pouring down from the clouds and becoming an enlightening rainbow.
The Sun radiating light onto my face
People playing on the sandy beach with its salty waves
Sweet lemonade replenishing everyone from the hot weather
Flowers dancing in the summer breeze
On the Fourth of July, fireworks booming in the sky like sparkly glitter
Watching the sunset, and seeing the Sun lavishly set on a fun summer day.
Summer collapsed into fall
Known as Autumn, but usually said as Fall
Leaves spiraling down, taking their time and wandering until their soar
Fall whispering to the wind to bring a crispy breeze to refresh the summer aura
Life and nature harmonizing in a beautiful melody.